Special Soils for Testing and Detergents Ingredients
Scientific Services has prepared and used numerous soils and stains in performance evaluation of detergents, bleaches, and laundry detergents. Examples of those which we have used and supplied to clients are listed below. We invite your inquires for others which you may need.
Our soiled fabrics are normally supplied in packages of 24 3"x 4" swatches. To ensure stability we package most of our swatches under nitrogen gas. We typically use two fabrics- cotton and cotton-polyester with durable press finish - but almost any of the fabrics listed in the Testfabrics, Inc. or Textile Innovators Corp. catalogs can be soiled. We will also soil your own special fabrics.
We maintain an inventory of Dust-Sebum and Ground In Clay soiled standard fabrics for which there is no minimum order. Usually, the special soils and stains are made to order in lots of 10 packages and the preparation is scheduled when the order is placed. If you do not need 10 packages, please inquire because we often have odd lots of the stains. Also, for no extra charge, we will apply a soil or stain to a mixture of our standard fabrics as long as the total is 10 packages. Stained Swatches are priced according to the difficulty of preparation. Prices are as follows for Cotton 400 & Cotton Polyester 7435WRL, surcharge applies for any other fabrics.
Our soiled fabrics are normally supplied in packages of 24 3"x 4" swatches. To ensure stability we package most of our swatches under nitrogen gas. We typically use two fabrics- cotton and cotton-polyester with durable press finish - but almost any of the fabrics listed in the Testfabrics, Inc. or Textile Innovators Corp. catalogs can be soiled. We will also soil your own special fabrics.
We maintain an inventory of Dust-Sebum and Ground In Clay soiled standard fabrics for which there is no minimum order. Usually, the special soils and stains are made to order in lots of 10 packages and the preparation is scheduled when the order is placed. If you do not need 10 packages, please inquire because we often have odd lots of the stains. Also, for no extra charge, we will apply a soil or stain to a mixture of our standard fabrics as long as the total is 10 packages. Stained Swatches are priced according to the difficulty of preparation. Prices are as follows for Cotton 400 & Cotton Polyester 7435WRL, surcharge applies for any other fabrics.